(Temporary Skills Shortage Subclass 482 VISA:通称TSS)

以前あった暫定雇用主指名ビザTemporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa (subclass 457 visa)が廃止しされ、2018年3月から現行のTemporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Subclass 482 visaに置き換えられました。TSSは、オーストラリアの雇用市場において各業界・企業が雇用者不足状況・オーストラリア人労働者不足の状況を分析した上で、ビザ発給対象を決定する新しいシステムです。

TSSビザは、(international trade obligationsが適用されない限り)2年間短期(The Short-term stream)、4年間中期(The Medium-term stream)の2タイプのビザで構成されます。
The Short-term streamは、オーストラリア企業が適切に熟練したオーストラリア人労働者を雇用することができないスキルギャップを、外国人労働者雇用にて「一時的に埋める」ようにデザインされています。
The Medium-term streamは、適切に熟練したオーストラリア人労働者を雇用することができない、高価値職業での不足に対処するために、外国人労働者を供給することを可能にするようにデザインされています。
以前のS457と致命的に異なるのは「The Short-term streamでは永住権につながるオプションが全く無い」と言う点と「最低職歴2年が条件に挙げられたため、豪州国内での新卒者にチャンスが少ない」と言う点です。「豪州国内新卒者」でも、新卒者就労ビザ(S485)を取得し、就労経験を積み上げれば2年就労条件を満たし、申請条件をクリアできます。

Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)には以下の種類の申請がありますが、ここでは主にShort-term StreamとMedium-term Streamに関して説明します:
◎Short-term Stream:STSOL掲載Skillを対象とした暫定雇用ビザ・永住権へのPathwayが限定的。
◎Medium-term Stream:MTSOL掲載Skillを対象とした暫定雇用ビザ・永住権ENSへのPathway有効。
◎Labour Agreement Stream:掲載Skillに限定されない。年齢等の諸条件の免除あり。ただし雇用主が政府にAgreementを得る必要がある。
◎Subsequent Entrant:482ビザ取得後、結婚などで新しい家族を呼び寄せるための申請。


The Short-term streamのクライテリア(基準):

- ビザ有効期限は2年(日本人は1回で4年まで申請可能)
- ビザ更新は1回限り。最大4年が上限
- スキルリストはShort Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)適用
- 英語の要件、IELTS(または同等の試験)スコア5・各試験構成要素で最低4.5が要求される
- 一時的入場要件(Genuine Temporary Entrant)の宣言が必要

The Medium-term streamのクライテリア(基準):

- ビザの有効期限は4年
- ビザの更新に制限無し(ただし45歳未満まで)
- 希望すれば(雇用主が同意すれば)3年後に永住権(ENS TRT Stream)申請可能
- 職業リストはMedium Long Term Strategic List (MLTSSL)適用
- 英語の要件、IELTS(または同等の試験)スコア5以上・各試験構成要素で最低5が要求される


- 職務経験:申請スキルに関連する2年以上の職務経験
- Labour market testing (LMT)::日本人は適応外
- 最低市場給与率:雇用者はオーストラリア市場の最低給与を支払う必要*
- 無犯罪歴の証明:過去に犯罪歴が無いことを証明する必要
- 雇用主がオーストラリア人労働者を積極的に差別していないことを保証する無差別の労働力テスト
- TSSビザのために労働者指名する雇用主はSkilling Australians Fundへの寄付義務付けられます。

TSS S482に申請するためには、関連職種にて最低でも2年の職歴が必要条件になります。換算対象に関し、移民局は柔軟に対応してくれます。例えば、留学期間中の「実務実習時間」を計算対象として認めてくれたり、週20時間のPart Timeを換算対象としてくれます。当然、これを証明するための学校発行の証明書や、給与明細(Payslip)は必要です。注意事項としては、就労ポジションはPart Timeは認められるがCasualは認められない事です。

最低賃金は、就労エリア・Skillによって大きく異なります。例えば、Chefを例にした場合、物価の低い地方エリアでは確約年収AU$54,000.00程度でも水準値として認められても、大都市(シドニー・メルボルン等)では、エリアの平均値がAU$60,000.00以上に引きあがるため、確約年収もその水準でないとNomination申請は却下される可能性が増大します。 またIT Professionalの場合は、物価の低い地方エリアでも最低賃金がAU$62,000.00程度のケースが多く、シドニーにおけるIT Managerに至ってはAU$100,000.00程度の年収が約束されないとNomination申請は却下される事となります。

Skilling Australians Fund(SAF)
小規模企業(年間売上高がAU$10 million per year未満の場合)はAU$1,200.00(The Short-term streamだと×2=AU$2,400.00、The Medium-term streamだと×4=AU$4,800.00となるとなる)
中大規模企業事業(年間売上高がAU$10 million per year以上の場合)は年間はAU$1,800.00(The Medium-term streamだと×4=AU$7,200.00となる)


-Medium Long Term Strategic List (MLTSSL)
-Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)


S457よりスポンサー(雇用主)の費用出費が増大します。Skilling Australians Fundへの寄付は、ケースによって異なりますが、最低でもAU$2,400.00最大でAU$7,200の支払いがNomination申請時に発生します。そして問題視されているのが、Nomination・VISA申請が却下されても、このSAFは返金されない点です。2018/2019年度だけでもAU$10 million以上のSAF Leavyが、申請却下後もRefundされること無く、国庫に収まりました。



Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)掲載スキルに関しては、(457同様に)4年暫定ビザとなり、3年就労後には同一スポンサーの元で永住権ENS(Subclass 186)Temporary Residence TransitionへのPathwayがあります。 しかしShort-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)掲載スキルに関しては、ビザ期間が2年に限定されるうえ(日本人は最大4年まで申請は可能)、永住権ENS(Subclass 186)Temporary Residence TransitionへのPathwayはありません。

残念ながらSTSOLへの永住権へのPathwayは、このTSS Subclass 482には存在しません。482就労期間中に、豪州就労ポイントを得、Skill Assessmentにパスし、英語ポイントを得るなどしてGSM系ビザ(190/491)への申請Pathwayは残されます。また雇用主が地方エリアならば494経由の永住権申請も可能になります。


Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)掲載スキルに関しては、(457同様に)4年暫定ビザとなり、3年就労後には同一スポンサーの元で永住権ENS(Subclass 186)Temporary Residence TransitionへのPathwayがあります。 しかしShort-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)掲載スキルに関しては、ビザ期間が2年に限定されるうえ(日本人は最大4年まで申請は可能)、永住権ENS(Subclass 186)Temporary Residence TransitionへのPathwayはありません。

残念ながらSTSOLへの永住権へのPathwayは、このTSS Subclass 482には存在しません。482就労期間中に、豪州就労ポイントを得、Skill Assessmentにパスし、英語ポイントを得るなどしてGSM系ビザ(190/491)への申請Pathwayは残されます。また雇用主が地方エリアならば494経由の永住権申請も可能になります。



1. 雇用主側(スポンサーシップSponsorship)

- 合法的なビジネス運営がなされている
- 過去の業務実績が十分なものである
- ビジネス運営において、適切なトレーニングプログラムを組んでいる
- ビジネスを立ち上げて12ヶ月未満の場合はトレーニングプラン・ビジネスプラン・見込み収益プランを提出

2. ポジションノミネーション(Nomination)

The employer must then apply for permission to sponsor an overseas resident to fill certain nominated position(s). The main criteria here are that:
- 申請ポジション(Skill)がOccupations Listに掲載されている。
- 年間報酬が最低規定金額(currently $53,900)を確約できる
- 雇用契約がオーストラリアの労働法に批准したものであること。(ポジションが、オーストラリア人を雇用した場合と同様の内容となる事)

3. 申請者アプリケーション(Visa Application)

- ポジションに適するSkillを保有している事を証明する。
- 英語力を証明する。
- 健康状態及無犯罪経歴を証明する。

注意事項(Duration and Conditions)


スキルによっては2年のビザしか発行されません。基本はMedium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) に掲載されているスキルか否かです。Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) に掲載されていれば4年のビザが発給されますが、記載されていないスキルに対しては2年のビザしか発給されません。

English Language Testing for TSS Visa

The Short-term streamの英語規定が以下。The Medium-term streamはこれ以上が必要です。Skillによっては以下の条件以上のものを求められるケースがあります。申請から遡って過去3年以内のスコアが申請有効です。

IELTSInternational English Language Testing System: overall average score of 5, with a minimum score of at least 4.5 in each band;
OETOccupational English Test: this is a test for medical and allied health professionals. A "B pass" is required for all 4 components of the OET;
TOEFL iBTtotal band score of 36, with at least 3 in Listening and Reading and at least 12 in Speaking and Writing
PTE PearsonAverage band score of 36, with minimum of 30 in each band;
CAE Cambridge EnglishAverage band score of 154, with minimum of 147 in each band

- 中学生以降(Secondry)の5年以上を英語圏にて教育を受けた場合。
- ポジションがライセンスやメンバーシップを必要とする場合で、実際にライセンス・メンバーシップを保有している場合。
- 年収がAU$96,400以上のポジションに就く場合。
- 2013年7月1日以前にS457を取得していて、2回目以降の延長申請になる場合(付随コンディション有)。


パートナーとのDe Fact関係が終わった場合のパートナーのビザをキャンセル

Cancellations of subclass 482 Partner's VISA

典型的ケースは、配偶者の関係が崩壊した場合です(De Fact、正式婚姻者問わず)。夫婦やDe Factにて、2人がビザを取得している場合、もしこの関係が解消された場合は、移民局への報告が義務付けられています。そいて移民局に報告した場合、パートナーはビザ取消しの予定通知(NOICC)を受け取ります。 パートナーはビザをキャンセルに対して異議申し立てを行う事ができますが、相当な理由無しには受理されることは考え難いです。

Cessation of employment

ビザ保有者(雇用者)がスポンサーの会社を辞めた場合、以前は雇用停止後90日以内に別のスポンサーを見つけることでS457ビザの継続が可能でしたが、現在は60日に短縮されています。2016年11月以降、60日以上雇用を停止した従業員はビザの条件に違反しているとみなされます。 60日間の期間は、2016年11月19日以降に付与された457のビザに適用されます。60日以上雇用を中止した457保有者は、ビザキャンセルに直面する可能性が高いため、雇用を中止する場合はこれを認識することが非常に重要です。

Possible Increase to Minimum Salary for TSMIT

最低給与の増額が予定されています。2018年3月、AU$53,900.00-がS457申請に必要な最低年間給与額ですが、この額が2013年7月に設定された事もあり、物価の上昇状況を鑑みて見直しが検討されています。 これまでのところ、勧告や実施時期に関する情報はありません。しかし、オーストラリアの人口研究機関の最近の報告によると、IT労働者の給与が最低限に抑えられていることが示唆されており、これが問題視されているため、見直しのきっかけになりつつあります。言い方を代えると、多くのITプロフェッショナルがS457にて雇用されており、IT業界全体の平均給与額から見ると低額の給与で雇用されているという事です。

Labour Agreement Streamとわ

Labour Agreement Streamとは、雇用主(スポンサー)がオーストラリア政府からAgreementを得ることにより、年齢条件・英語力条件・Skill限定条件の免除が得られます。
雇用主(スポンサー)は、オーストラリア政府からLabour Agreementを得るために「オーストラリア労働市場では対応できないSkill・人材を海外から調達することを実証する必要」があり、一旦オーストラリア政府と雇用主の間でLabour Agreementが結ばれれば通常5年間有効です。現在、は以下の協定があります。
◎Company Specific labour agreements:一般企業が独自に政府と協定を結ぶ場合
◎Designated Area Migration Agreements (通称DAMA):州政府と政府間に結ばれた協定
◎Industry labour agreements:農林水産業等エリアに特化された協定
◎Project agreements:
◎Global Talent Employer Sponsored (GTES) agreements:スポーツ芸術分野の著名者を対象とする協定

Subsequent Entrantとわ

482VISA Holderがビザ有効期間中に結婚(事実婚でも可)により、パートナーを482ビザに載せるための申請の事です。諸事情により、482VISA申請時に同時申請できなかったパートナー及び子供を、この申請によって482を追加取得する事も可能です。諸条件は以下:


下記のテーブルには「申請が可能ながら、条件が付加されたスキル」のリストと、その条件を記載しています(2017年4月18日発表分)。これはビザ申請者に対しての縛りではなく、スポンサー(雇用主)に対する縛りです。例えば、レストランがChefの雇用主となる場合、そのレストランは「Fast Food/Takeaway Services/Casual Restaurantsは認めない」と言ったものです。

ANZSCO occupationPositions excluded due to caveatNote
(ANZSCO 221111)
Excludes any of the following positions;
  • clerical, book keeper and accounting clerk positions
  • positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1Million
  • positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Advertising Specialist
(ANZSCO 225111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Agricultural Technician
(ANZSCO 311111)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast. 26
Animal Attendants and Trainers NEC
(ANZSC0 361199)
Excludes positions related to animal husbandry, including but not limited to positions that involve caring for livestock on a farm setting. 6
(ANZSCO 121311)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Aquaculture Farmer
(ANZSCO 121111)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
(ANZSCO 351111)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • related to mass or standardised production, including positions based in a franchise or factory, as opposed to specialist production
  • that involve full or partial production of food product for distribution to another  location
  • that predominantly involve the use of pre-prepared food product from another location.
Beef Cattle Farmer
(ANZSCO 121312)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Cafe or Restaurant Manager
(ANZSCO 141111)
Excludes positions in a limited service restaurant.  

A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following
  • fast food or takeaway food services
  • fast casual restaurants
  • drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
  • limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
  • limited service pizza restaurants.  
(ANZSCO 351311)
Excludes positions involved in mass production in a factory setting or positions in a limited service restaurant.  

A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following
  • fast food or takeaway food services
  • fast casual restaurants
  • drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
  • limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
  • limited service pizza restaurants.  
Chief Executive or Managing Director
(ANZSCO 111111)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $90,000.
Conference and Event Organiser
(ANZSCO 149311)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Contract Administrator
(ANZSCO 511111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.20
(ANZSCO 351411)
Excludes positions involved in mass production in a factory setting or positions in a limited service restaurant.

A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, the following
  • fast food or takeaway food services
  • fast casual restaurants
  • drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
  • limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes
  • limited service pizza restaurants.  
Corporate General Manager
(ANZSCO 111211)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $90,000.
Corporate Services Manager
(ANZSCO 132111)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $80,000.  
Cotton Grower
(ANZSCO 121211)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Crop Farmers NEC
(ANZSCO 121299)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Customer Service Manager
(ANZSCO 149212)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • based in a front-line retail setting
  • that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis
  • with businesses than have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Dairy Cattle Farmer
(ANZSCO 121313)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Facilities Manager
(ANZSCO 149913)
Excludes positions
  • not located in a commercial building or shopping centre environment, or
  • that predominantly involve the management of the provision of one particular service to a facility or managing one particular relationship.
    Example a position that manages the cleaning contract for a facility but not other contracts relevant to the facility.
Finance Manager
(ANZSCO 132211)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Flower Grower
(ANZSCO 121212)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Fruit or Nut Grower
(ANZSCO 121213)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals), or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.    
12 and 26
Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ)
(ANZSCO 121214)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Grape Grower
(ANZSCO 121215)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Graphic Designer
(ANZSCO 232411)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years full time relevant work experience. 20
(ANZSCO 391111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience.20
Horse Breeder
(ANZSCO 121316)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Hotel or Motel Manager
(ANZSCO 141311)
Excludes positions which predominantly have responsibility for managing hotel or motel staff. 
The caveat does not exclude positions that predominately involve responsibility for organising and controlling the operations of a hotel or motel that may have limited duties requiring management of hotel or motel staff but is not the main function of the position.
ICT Project Manager
(ANZSCO 135112)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
ICT Support Engineer
(ANZSCO 263212)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
ICT Systems Test Engineer
(ANZSCO 263213)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Information and Organisation Professionals NEC
(ANZSCO 224999)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Livestock Farmer
(ANZSCO 121399)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Management Consultant
(ANZSCO 224711)
Excludes positions in businesses that
  • have an annual turnover of less than $1M; or
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Marketing Specialist
(ANZSCO 225113)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • based in a front-line retail setting
  • that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis
  • with businesses than have an annual turnover of less than $1M
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Massage Therapist
(ANZSCO 411611)
Excludes positions that
  • are non full-time; or
  • are not based in a therapeutic setting; or
  • involve the provision of  non-medical relaxation massage.
Mechanical Engineering Technician
(ANZSCO 312512)
Excludes positions relating to mobile phone repairs. 22
Mixed Crop Farmer
(ANZSCO 121216)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Mixed Livestock Farmer 
(ANZSCO 121317)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer
(ANZSCO 121411)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Pastry cook
(ANZSCO 351112)    
Excludes any of the following positions
  • related to mass or standardised production, including positions based in a franchise or factory, as opposed to specialist production
  • that involve full or partial production of food product for distribution to another  location
  • that predominantly involve the use of pre-prepared food product from another location.
Pig Farmer
(ANZSCO 121318)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.  
12 and 26
Poultry Farmer
(ANZSCO 121321)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Primary Products Inspectors NEC
(ANZSCO 311399)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast 26
Production Manager (Mining)
(ANZSCO 133511)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast 26
Recruitment Consultant
(ANZSCO 223112)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M;
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees;
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Sales and Marketing Manager
(ANZSCO 131112)
Excludes of the following positions
  • based in a front-line retail setting;
  • that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis;
  • with businesses than have an annual turnover of less than $1M;
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Sheep Farmer
(ANZSCO 121322)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Software Tester
(ANZSCO 261314)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Sugar Cane Grower
(ANZSCO 121217)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Supply and Distribution Manager
(ANZSCO 133611)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M;
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees;
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Technical Sales Representatives NEC (note includes education sales rep)
(ANZSCO 225499)
Excludes any of the following positions
  • based in a front-line retail setting;
  • based in a call centre and do not require a significant technical knowledge of products;
  • predominantly involve selling educational courses to individual students; and
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than $65,000.
Transport Company Manager
(ANZSCO 149413)
Excludes ant of the following positions that are
  • truck driver positions;
  • fleet manager positions;
  • container controller positions;
  • positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than $1M;
  • positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
University Lecturer
(ANZSCO 242111)
Excludes positions that do not require a minimum of two years relevant work experience. 20
Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ)
(ANZSCO 121221)
Excludes positions that
  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, the Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast.
12 and 26
Wine Maker
(ANZSCO 234213)
Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia ? that is, positions located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne metropolitan area, Greater Brisbane area, or the Gold Coast. 26


サービス内容 - Subclass 482申請可否の無料初期査定
- スケジューリング及タイミング指示
- スポンサー申請、その後の移民局との全てのコンタクト
- ノミネーション申請、その後の移民局との全てのコンタクト
- ビザ本申請、その後の移民局との全てのコンタクト
- 申請提出書類リストの作成及指示
- 申請提出書類の作成補助(サンプル渡・プルーフリード・手直し)
- NAATI翻訳手配
- Certified Copy作成(パスポートを除く)
- ブリッジビザが必要な際の申請取得
- その他、移住に関するアドバイス
◎Short-term Stream・Medium-term Stream同様
AU$4,300.00-+GST Basic
AU$1,800.00-+GST Basic
AU$2,800.00-+GST Basic
◎Labour Agreement Stream申請代行
協定申請代行を含む:AU$13,800.00-+GST Basic
協定取得済み:AU$2,800.00-+GST Basic
◎Subsequent Entrant申請代行
AU$1,600.00-+GST Basic
なお、Overseas Business Sponsorshipの見積もりは別途ケースになります。
技術査定申請代行費用に関しては、技術別詳細を参照にしてください。 また、原則雇用主との直接コンタクトはいたしません。クライアント経由となります。 *ショートターム2年の場合は上記のAU$200.00引き
注意・追記事項 NAATI翻訳費用は別途発生します。また、裁判所係争ケース(離婚問題・認知子問題)を過去現在とお抱えの場合は、追加費用が発生します。

